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Yangsoon Lee

I am an artist, art teacher, and mother of two energetic boys.

I was born in South Korea, and grew up in the country side. I believe my childhood inspires me to draw nature often in my artwork. I graduated from Hong-Ik University, the most famous art college in South Korea. Since I became a freshman in college, I started my career as an art instructor for those who have passion for learning art.


When I came to America with my husband (professor at UT Austin.) and my one-year-old son, I was busy, frustrated, and having a hard time adjusting to a new world. However, my situation couldn't stop me from expressing my passion and sentiment for abstract painting. After we settled down in Austin Texas, I opened my art studio and put my enthusiasm into my artwork and teaching. It was my golden time.


Unfortunately when I became 40, I was diagnosed breast cancer and had the most difficult time in my life. Now I am taking physical therapy following my surgery. It makes me less productive, but it will not stop me from drawing. I am dreaming once more that I will soar like an eagle and spread my wings to draw beautiful artwork. I want to give hope to people who need beautiful inspiration, so they can dream again like me.


"May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ..."

[Galatians 6:14]


Art Class

Elementary Kids 

Friday 3:30 - 5:00 PM


Middle School Kids

Friday 5:00 - 6:30 PM





Art Class

Let's talk

Yangsoon Lee's Art Studio

9202 Brigadoon CV

Austin TX, 78750


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